1988 $10 World First Polymer Note Bicentenary Commemorative Issue
Governor - Robert Alan 'Bob' Johnstone
Secretary - Bernard William 'Bernie' Fraser
These are the first issues of the 1988 $10 Australia Bicentenary polymer issue on 26.01.1988 celebrating the 200th year of European settlement in Australia. These are the only notes (with serial numbers starting with "93", "94" and "96" were ever released before the faulty optically variable device (OVD) was discovered. On the third day following the release of this new note, a commercial TV station reported that Captain Cook's optically variable device can be removed simply by rubbing it with a pencil eraser. The notes were subsequently withdrawn from circulation. New reprints were re-ordered and released on 24.10.1988. Despite a short release, these notes are still quite affordable.
Prefix ranges issued were AB10 to AB33. The last prefix of AB33 is rare.
Ten Dollars, ND1988 P49
Error OVD, S/N ABxx 93xxxx
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